

Latest version
Download the latest release [ Version 3.2.12 ]

Installation instruction are in the README file.

To see what changed click here.

Older versions may be downloaded by specifying the filename. i.e

the last minor versions for prior versions are 3.0.8, 2,8.37, 2.6.27, 2.4.16, 2.2.7

Installation of older versions is just as simple as with the newer ones. Download the tar.gz file and pass the filename to and follow the prompts.
setup and download script for SQL-Ledger.
Save in a directory where you want to install SQL-Ledger (i.e. /usr/local/sql-ledger, /opt/sql-ledger) and run from the command line (perl as root or as ordinary user who belongs to the same group as your web server. This utility will download the latest code, check your system, set the proper permissions, create configuration files and reload your webserver.

The script was written a long time ago and things change. If for some reason things don't work as expected download the tarball and pass it to on the command line. You can also do a manual install, simply follow the steps in the README file.

Other platforms

installation instructions


installation instructions

Upgrading from any version > 1.2.7 to the latest version
Upgrading is easy first make backups of your database and sql-ledger directory. Load from the sql-ledger root directory and select Upgrade. The script will lock out everyone and install the new code over top. The only thing left to do is to log in to upgrade a dataset.

To upgrade manually first make a backup of your database and your sql-ledger directory. Next load and Lock the system. Download the new code and untar over top and fix the permissions according to the UPGRADE file in the doc directory. Most of the time there is nothing else to be done. Load and Unlock the system. When a user logs in the Dataset is upgraded automatically, you do not have to do anything. If other steps are required, i.e template modifications, they will be listed in the UPGRADE file.
You DO NOT have to install intermediate versions to upgrade to the latest version! Intermediate upgrades are done for you. If you run into issues revert to your backup, and attempt a slotted install. Advanced users may also do a slotted intall, that is running a new version alongside an old version. It is important to keep backups of the database prior to the upgrade.

Packaging information to build a package for various platforms.
Language Support
The following languages are supported.

Percentage indicates how much is translated. If you would like to translate the remainder or improve on it feel free to send us an update.

Language Translation Translators (past and present)
English 100% -
English (Britain) 100% -
English (Canadian) 100% -
Arabic 49% Omar BaheyEldin
Rania Tayel
Bahasa Indonesia 42% Akhmad Daniel Sembiring
Brazilian Portuguese 67% Andre Felipe Machado
Miguel Koren O'Brien de Lacy
Marco A B Souza
Bulgarian 67% Rosen Vladimirov
Catalan 32% Jaume Teixi
Czech 33% Tomas Fencl
Danish 69% Jonas Smedegaard
Keld Jřrn Simonse
Dutch 87% AJ Hettema
Oscar Buijten
Bert Tijhuis
Paul Tammes
Arno Peters
Dutch (Belgium) 55% -
Estonian 68% Martin Lillepuu
Lauri Jesmin
Tanel Kurvits
Peeter Pärtel
Andrei Kolu
Finnish 68% Petri Leppänen
Jukka Aho
Paul Saris
French 99% Sčbastien Brassard
Oscar Buijten
Wolfgang Sourdeau
Aguibou KONE
Jens-Ingo Brodesser
Mathieu Chappuis
Daniel Adron
French (Belgium) 68% Sčbastien Brassard
Oscar Buijten
Wolfgang Sourdeau
Aguibou KONE
Jens-Ingo Brodesser
Mathieu Chappuis
Olivier Cornet
French (Canada) 99% Mathieu Chappuis
Olivier Cornet
German 100% Thomas Bayen
Gunter Ohrner
Jens Koerner
Doris Messmer
Wolfgang Foerster
Michael Strecker
German/Switzerland 100% Alain Haymoz
Fabian Schiltknecht
Martin Elmer
Greek 33% Dimitris Andavoglou
Hungarian 68% Kabai József
Icelandic 43% Margeir Reynisson
Italian 42% Paolo Bizzarri
Luca Venturini
Alessandro Pasotti
Daniele Giacomini
Japanese 77%
Latvian 55% Kaspars Melkis
Lithuanian 43% -
Norwegian Bokmĺl 58% Keld Jřrn Simonsen
Morten Pedersen
Finn-Arne Johansen
Petter Reinholdtsen
Erik Inge Bolsř
Polish 58% Peter Dabrowski
Aleksander Opoczynski
Portuguese 42% Paulo Rodrigues
Russian 67% Alexey Cherepanov
Khaimin Vladimir
Simplified Chinese 61% Carfield Yim
Edmund Lian
Slovak 78% Peter Mészáros
Spanish 41% Federico Montesino Pouzols
Tomás Pereira
Spanish (Colombia) 68% Dirk Enrique Seiffert
Lourdes Mejía Martinez
Silfredo Godoy Chavez
Spanish (El Salvador) 45% Carlos López Linares
Spanish (Ecuador) 59% Technical
Spanish (Mexico) 79% Alberto Ladron
Hernán García Botello
Spanish (Panama) 59% Maria Gabriela Fong
Spanish (Paraguay) 59% Mario L. Epp
Spanish (Venezuela) 66% John Stoddart
Swedish 77% Jonny Larsson
Daniel Andersson
Johan Hambraeus
Traditional Chinese 66% Carfield Yim
Edmund Lian
Kent Tong
Turkish 29% Mufit Eribol
Ukrainian 63% Ivan Petrouchtchak

Chart of Accounts
The Default Chart of Accounts are samples only! You can modify and add your own chart of accounts. Just copy one of the .sql files in the sql directory. Nameing convention is Description-chart.sql (-chart.sql must be part of the filename)

GIFI (if it exists) is named Description-gifi.sql It provides a linking mechanism to an official chart of accounts issued by your Government to generate financial reports.

Default - the English sample COA translated into another language
General - a general COA for the country
Standard - the COA is in accordance to the country's standards

  1. English, Default
  2. Australia_General_0000
  3. Australia_General_00000
  4. Austria, Standard (Kontenplan)
  5. Bahasa-Indonesia, Default
  6. Belgium, Standard & GIFI
  7. Brazil, General
  8. English-Canadian, General & GIFI
  9. French-Canadian, General & GIFI
  10. Colombia-PUC
  11. Czech Republic, Standard
  12. Danish, Default
  13. Dutch, Default
  14. The Netherlands, Standard
  15. Egypt, General
  16. France, Standard
  17. Germany, SKR03, DATEV
  18. Hungarian, Default
  19. Italy, Standard, cc2424
  20. Latvia, Standard
  21. Norwegian, Default
  22. Paraguay, Standard
  23. Poland, Standard
  24. Simplified Chinese, Default
  25. Spanish, Default
  26. Swedish, Default
  27. Swiss-German, Default
  28. Traditional Chinese, Default
  29. UK, General
  30. US, General
  31. US, Manufacturing
  32. US, Service Company
  33. Venezuela, Default

Adding a new language
  • Add a country code in locale
  • create the file LANGUAGE and enter the longform of the language i.e German
  • create a symlink to ../de/
  • run perl -a
  • edit the file all
  • rerun perl

    If you would like to make changes to the translations, or submit new templates or chart of accounts contact us.

    1. Web server (Apache, thttpd 2.22+, boa, AOL server, ....)
    2. Perl 5+
    3. SQL Server ( PostgreSQL 7.1+, )
    4. Database Independant Interface DBI
    5. Database Driver for SQL server DBD ( DBD-Pg, )
    6. LaTeX (optional)
    7. pdftk (optional)